26 October 2011

Versatile Blogger Award!

Versatile:  ver-sa-tile [vur-suh-tl] or, especially British, [vur-suh-tahyl]:  capable of, or adapted for, turning easily from one to another various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc.:  a versatile writer. 
Word information source:  www.dictionary.com

Hot Coco from Flab to Fab came by to give me this award today, and I happy to participate!  It is also the first award for Cupcakes & Cucumbers.

Here is how the award works:
1.  You thank the person who presented you with the award.
2.  You tell 7 things about yourself.
3.  You award 15 other newly discovered bloggers.

Hot Coco ... thank you for thinking of my blog!  Posting in Cupcakes & Cucumbers has been a rewarding way for me to share information and my photography, but the most exciting part is the people that I meet along the way.

Seven Things:
1. This blog isn't my full time job - I am actually a product photographer who makes a living taking more formal images then the fun ones you see here!
2. I am a neat freak!  Part of my daily routine always includes some kind of cleaning activity, and no matter how clean and organized I am I always feel like I could be more clean and organized.
3. Before I became a photographer I got my BA in History from Gettysburg College.  My favorite area of history are the social aspects of Colonial America, and early European Civilizations. 
4. I think oranges are a lot of work, but I love clementines.
5. I am an only child, and I give credit to my sole upbringing for my independent spirit and creativity.
6. My best friend lives in Arizona, but I wish we were lived closer.  I have known her for 26 years now, and consider her keeper of many of my dirty secrets.
7.I love to travel, and my favorite place that I have visited so far is Dingle in Ireland.

Fifteen Newly Discovered Bloggers:


  1. Congrats on the Versatile Blogger award! You definitely have some great content and I love the picture in your header. How creative!! I'm your newest follwer. Thanks for stopping by my blog btw!

  2. Thanks for saying hello Chevron!

  3. Thank you, Brooke! Funny thing: you and another blogger gave me this same award in the same week. Weird, huh? I'm working on a post and I'll put it up soon.

    Thanks for thinking of me! :)

  4. It seems to be going around! :)
