21 October 2011

Everyday Life

In the hours after work my husband and I have a go-to walking spot that we frequent more then the rest.  It is a simple paved walking trail that is a quick ride from our home.

Usually we are people who crave adventure and variety.  Our weekends are full of outings to places on our ever growing to-go list, or sometimes we just pop in the car and drive until we find somewhere new.  We are believers in not planning a day too tightly to allow for discovery.  We opt for the self guided tour at places where guides are the normal.  Adventure is found even on days where we don't end up uncovering anything much at all.

But when breeze blows on an ordinary day there is a comfort to a familiar walk.  Walking has always given me a sense of place wherever I go.  The world often runs so quickly that I feel like I am missing some of the details.  Each walk along the same path is something new.  One can gain a sense of place from the trash on the side of the road or the outfits worn by passers by.  Every so often we even find an abandoned lottery ticket - although so far they have all been losers.

I enjoy the surprise wildlife sightings, and how the land changes with the seasons and weather.  The company is always the same, but each day our conversations take us somewhere new.  It is these simple moments in life that remind me of the journey to this moment, and sprout inspired plans for the future.

I love the simple moments in life, and even though taking the less traveled path is exciting, there is something magical about every day life too.


  1. I wish hubby and I were a little more adventurous we just are such schedule people it is hard to just break free. But we are trying. New follower from the hop hope you can come by and say hello

  2. Make sure to schedule a day for adventure! :) I will hop on over to your blog right now.

  3. I love taking walks outdoors - I met 4 neighbors last week just taking a walk around the block. It was great. I'm visiting from the Friday Funny hop. Thanks for linking up. Hope to see you next week.


  4. Dayna thanks for stopping by! I think my neighbors are hiding, I have barely met any since I moved. We walk the neighborhood at least once a week too.

  5. I love the wildlife...except the snakes that I sometimes come across when I run. I am following you back. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. I'm your 40th follower...yay!:0)

    Hi! Following you from a blog hop!:0)
    Hope you visit me and return the follow!

    Btw I'm having a Halloween Giveaway
    please stop by and enter and sign up
    for The Treasure Trove Tribune!:0)

  7. it really IS about the simple moments...

    newest lurker here!
    thanks for playing along in my *no more muffin top blog hop* -- you rock!!!
    misadventures of a chunky goddess

  8. Anonymous10/22/2011

    Isn't it amazing how simple some things in life can really be!

    Thanks so much for stopping by Chubby Cheeks Thinks! I'm liking you back! Hope you have a great weekend!



  9. Following u back thanks for stopping by

  10. Thank you everyone for stopping by and all the great comments - they make my everyday life even sweeter! I am off to follow back the new blogs on this list and always look forward to discovering new bloggers to connect with.

  11. What a beautiful post, and a great reminder that the simplest things (i.e. taking a walk with your spouse) can be the most profound things.

    Following from Monday Mingle.

  12. Thanks for stopping by Michelle! I am still working on my Monday blog post - this week is starting off busy! I just popped over to follow you back via Networked Blogs.
