17 October 2011

Swamp Walk

On Saturday morning I was up and rolling ready for a swamp walk in Francis Beidler Forest at the Audubon Center.  My husband insisted in a quick pause for some blueberry pancakes before we embarked on our adventure, and I do have to admit that they were delicious.

Fall is my favorite season, and there is nothing more exciting then living in a new place with so many sites to visit all around.  We have been in the Charleston, SC Metro Area for a month and two days now and the new adventures have not slowed down one bit!

Some of our gems involve time searching the web, but we found out about this trail in a more simple way.  Soon after we completed our move I had my husband drive me by the entrance to the hotel we stayed in where I collected a pile of tourist brochures to get us started on our local explorations.  This was a great way to find many places to go and things to do without having to do too much research.  They are often places with higher entrance fees, but so far the quality and experiences have been worth the price.

Our GPS took us to the forest quickly via the interstate even though it was a little bit out in the country.  Once we got close the roads narrowed and soon turned to dirt so I knew this was going to be a good adventure.  Along the way the roads were lined with overflowing cotton fields ready for harvest.  I took a few quick shots for my stock photography portfolio, but was much more excited about reaching our destination.

Down a long dirt road in the shade we found the Audubon Center where we forked over the admission fee to gain access to the 2.75 mile boardwalk through the swamp.  It was still early in the morning so the other visitors were few and far between.  The 30+ year old boardwalk was worn, but sturdy and gave us a closer look at the swamp then we have gotten at other locations.  The fall breeze was blowing through the shade making the day just perfect for a long walk.

We took the first loop slowly, pausing to take some photographs and watch alligators and turtles swim about.  We decided to do a second loop more for the sake of exercise that we completed at a quicker pace as the sun began to warm the swamp.  With the two loops I felt like we got our usual weekend 2 hour walk and was satisfied that we got some exercise in the process.

The highlight of the trip was the size of the trees.  South Carolina has been careful to preserve old trees in abundance, and we are in awe every time we see them.  In the swamp there was a cypress tree in particular that was set aside that really stunned us.  It was more of a hollow shell of the tree preserved in time, but the boardwalk had a staircase that allowed us to peek inside and view the sky through the height of the trees body.  While inside the sound of woodpeckers echoed in one of those life moments that will always stick in your mind.

1 comment:

  1. wow, beautiful imagery. Stopping by from the blog hop! liz
