16 January 2012

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

I love working with fresh fruits and vegetables in my photography.  This image was created on a sunny afternoon when I was inspired by laundry hanging outside on a bright day.  I set up my white textured background with a clothesline that I use often and then went into my refrigerator for some props to add to the scene.  I went for bright colors and came out with fresh tomatoes that would later become a dinner salad, and a lemon that I sliced up to create the most vibrant color.  The idea of this image is freshness, and I think I captured it well.

Don't forget about the $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway I have going on right now.  You can find that blog post at this link.


  1. Oh, love this post. Your photography is absolutely beautiful! Hopping over from the Mingle Monday blog hop and just became your newest follower. I love and appreciate the inspiration that you share with us.

    Have a feeling you'd love See Beautiful too.

    I'll be back to play soon. Happy seeing beautiful

  2. Thank you so much See Beautiful! I will pop over and check out your blog right now.

  3. Hi Broke, I come here through the Dori (Yellow House). I love your creativity, you used simplicity and the colors of nature. So cute!

  4. Thanks for the compliment Sissym :)
