15 January 2012

$100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway


I love Amazon so I jumped at the chance to get involved in this giveaway.  Just follow the directions below to enter for your chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card from Jennifer at Kobiso.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I was curious, why is it I can't type in my twitter id for those I follow? I was only allowed to enter my twitter id @greeneyestale once.

  2. Cathy - You would have to check with Jennifer at http://kobiso.com/ who created the Rafflecopter. I didn't have a problem with the entries on my end, but she would be able to answer your question.

  3. Thanks! I am excited to be a part of it :)

  4. @danw78704 You don't have to comment when you Twitter, just make sure to enter your link into the Rafflecopter above :)

  5. I Tweeted again: marybaker112 Mary Baker
    #win $100 #Amazon card from @makobiso and Friends #giveaway #sweepstakes cupcakecucumber.blogspot.com/2012/01/100-am…
    5 minutes ago Favorite Reply Delete

  6. Thanks for stopping by Mary! Make sure you entered the information in the Rafflecopter form above to have the entry count.

  7. e-mail used for subscription is yobonks(at)gmail(dot)com - there wasn't a spot on the form to put it.

  8. Thanks everyone! I am excited to be a part of it.
