02 November 2011

Making Vegetables Quick and Easy

I love cooking with and snacking on fresh vegetables, but sometimes the preparation can be time consuming if you are in a rush.  My solution - I take one day and cut up a variety of vegetables and store them in plastic storage containers.  I arrange them in my refrigerator so I can see what I have at a glance.

Then I have options.  Snacking is a quick grab, and salads are a breeze as well.  This method also works out well at dinnertime when everything is already cut and ready to throw into a favorite recipe.

A little time spent one day can save time in the future.

PS - I know Wordless Wednesday is supposed to be "wordless" but I have a hard time not throwing in my 2cents! 


  1. Great tip. I tend to do that too sometimes.

    Thanks for the follow, following you back :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by to follow my blog! Anything I can do to make dinnertime quicker is a must in my book -- it always comes around so quickly in the day!
