04 September 2011

Top of Mind

I believe that keeping a healthy lifestyle top of mind is the biggest way that I can ensure that I continue on a healthy path.  Like most people I have days that are better then others, but instead of pushing my healthy thoughts aside when I stray off the path I continue to blog, and educate myself keeping this lifestyle in the front of my mind at all times.  For me this blog is not only a way to share information and a resource, but it also keeps me on track.

As I write this post I have had a busy morning at work in the studio.  I had to move my lights around for my morning photo shoot, and my computer monitor is mysteriously flickering which is slowing me down.  It is now afternoon and I am writing my blog posts for the week, but haven't yet gotten in my daily workout.  As I think about living healthy working out is a big part of my daily routine.  I usually get an hour in early in the morning so I can feel good about it for the rest of the day.  In the past I might have just skipped today because my workday is almost over and I am still waiting on some client emails, but after I finish the draft of this post I am going to put my laptop down and walk over to the gym to get in some exercise time.  There is no reason that I can't make time for my health, especially when I am blogging about it!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! Yes, you will be glad you fit the exercise in :)
